Sunday, 15 July 2012

9 Tips For Implementing A Natural Pest Control Program

The conventional way of eliminating pests usually involves the use of pesticides. While effective and efficient, pesticides tend to be a non-discriminatory solution, killing even useful bugs, birds and insects.

A natural pest control system is a much safer and better choice since it can target pests without leaving residue that could harm the environment. Here are ways on how to implement a natural pest elimination and control program:

1. Eliminate trash

Garbage, particularly organic waste, attracts insects, rodents and wild animals. Use a sturdy garbage bin with a lid and dispose of trash properly. Put food scraps and other biodegradable waste in sealed plastic bags. Dispose of dry and wet wastes separately.

Natural Pest Control 9 Tips For Implementing A Natural Pest Control Program

2. Keep a tidy yard

Remove possible hiding and nesting places for pests outside of the house. Piles of wood, cardboard boxes, old newspapers and magazines offer a haven for bugs and small animals such as rodents. Without these hiding places, animals will feel vulnerable and are less likely to build nests in the yard or near a home.

3. Get rid of standing water

Mosquitoes will lay eggs in standing or slow-moving water, even shallow ones. Sweep off water that has collected in low-lying spots on the ground after the rain and throw away water that has collected in pots, old tires or plant leaves. Clean up old gutters and clogged drains.

4. Get rid of insect nests in the yard

Termites and ants build nests in areas that are close to a food source. If there are signs of termite infestation in a home, there is a good chance these insects have built a nest somewhere close by. Preventing these insects from getting to their food source will encourage them to move elsewhere.

5. Cultivate a landscape that fights pests

Some plants and herbs are natural pest repellents. Many of these plants produce aroma or oils that are either deadly or unattractive to pests. Some plants, such as the Venus flytrap, even help control insect populations by killing bugs.

Try planting species such rosemary, mint, catnip and lemongrass to repel mosquitoes. Marigold, a species that works well as a companion plant for vegetables, also works against aphids.

6. Allow natural predators to work

Some bugs, bird species and bats are natural enemies of harmful pests. Some good bugs to encourage include ladybugs, honeybees, butterflies, dragonflies, praying mantis, earwigs and parasitic wasps, to name a few.

7. Prevent access inside the home

Small insects can easily burrow under the soil to find a way in through cracks while rodents will need a hole that is only about a quarter of an inch wide in order to slip in. Fix broken windows and doors and patch up cracks, holes and crevices. Install screens and apply sealants to prevent bugs.

8. Clean up after pets

Leftover food and water in pet bowls are targets for pests. Always clean up after each feeding and change water regularly. If possible, keep pet food bowls inside the house.

9. Control moisture inside the home

Leaky faucets and cracked pipes can create spots in the home that are permanently damp. Moisture can corrode certain metals and cause wood to rot, attracting insects such as cockroaches and carpenter ants. Seal or replace cracked pipes and fix leaky faucets to prevent wet spots, especially in the basement or under the sink.

This is a guest post by David.

David Young is aninquisitivehome owner who enjoys asking the people who come to his home what he can do himself to improve his home. In fact, all the tips in this post came from knowledge gathered from an hour long conversation with a very friendly pest controltechnicianwho works for Preventive Pest.

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