You have furniture from different eras and you want your home to be as you are now, the result of different inspirations?So, you can create a personalized atmosphere in your home by mixing the styles on the condition that it should be done according to certain rules.You should not fall into the jumble of bad taste.All things must present a certain unity, created around a guideline (same color for example).
Also, we have to avoid too great contrasts, like a patterned sofa with a modern Chinese buffet Louis XVI.We also must know how to balance the things because the styles should always remain dominant and consistence. Central part of the house, the living room must first be a space that looks like us 100% to accommodate the people and things we love. A reception, but also a place of relaxation where one allows TV breaks, nap or play! In short, we want pleasant, warm and welcoming.
Find a unity between the different styles
It is important that the overall appearance of your room returns a sense of control of thedesignand not apile of furniturearrived there by various accidents of life.When mixing styles, we risk falling into excess or is swayed by the crowding of disparate objects.Find a unit, whether in the lines, the colors or materials.Then you can easily incorporate elements vintagedecoration and antique flea market in amodern design.For example, if it is done by keys that fit into the decor,the trick is to take a step back to your room and see if all seems harmonious.
Do not create too large contrasts
The former blends perfectly with the contemporary,aleather sofaassociates well with a quitedining period. Similarly, the new modern design combines very well with the vintage.One can imagine designer chairs around a vintage table of even 50s.Feel free to mixwarm and cool colors, objects and ethnic baroque or even wood and metal.But do not create too great contrasts that attack the eyes and will not be elegant, like a huge sofa surrounded by small stools or chairs and old tapestry around a modern bistro table.
Add contrasting lines
If yourfurnitureis mostly decorated with straight lines as is the case with industrial metal furniture, break that harmony with curved lines, e.g. adding aclub chairall round.This creates a pleasant surprise for the eyes without overwhelming the decor.However, thedominant linesmust be repeated mainly to preserve unity.
Maintain the same proportions for furniture
Try not to introduce a cabinet of gigantic proportions relative to the rest of thefurnitureat the risk of creating an unsightly effect.Similarly, do not introduce an element having a height very different from the rest.Grandfathers Clock is the only substantive in a room where the furniture is to be decorated and can be put on the wall in front ofgiant sofaor aside of stereo-video installation to make it look more impressive.
Author Bio:
Author is writing on behalf of DP Doors, leading Indian manufacturers of wooden doors and modern home & office furniture.
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