Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Tips for Building a Family Home

Many Americans around the nation have the goal of building their own home. Some reach the point of being able to do so, and its something to celebrate and appreciate. However, some caution should be taken when building a home to make sure that the property performs the role its expected to.

This article will focus specifically on the family home, and what factors people should consider when building one from the ground up. Having a family affects parents lives in many ways, and the physical living space is where some of the most major developments will occur. Its important that the property caters to the particular familys needs, and below Ive listed some necessary features to consider when building the ideal family home.

Building a Family Home Tips for Building a Family Home

1. A location away from major roadways.

Not only is it much quieter, building a house on a lot that is distant from major roadways is much more practical when a family is concerned. If youre building a house, you dont want the possibility of high traffic so close to your house when children will be wandering around. Consider separating your plans from major freeways and thoroughfares.

Write it in pen: There is no reason to build right next to a major road system. Not only will your house have a low resale value due to the location, but your children could be in danger when so many cars and strangers are passing by.

2. Sufficient bedroom spacing.

If youre building a dream home and children will be in your life, make sure that the bedrooms have sufficient space between them. Its already hard as parents to get individual time and opportunities alone together. If you construct a house that caters to privacy for the master bedroom, you will have a healthy amount of space between you and your children at night.

Write it in pen: After long days of parenting and work, its good to have space. If bedrooms in a house are all centrally positioned, personal time is compromised and its hard to get any separation from your children. Your children will also appreciate the space as they age and go into their own as teenagers.

3. A yard with total visibility.

As your children grow up, if they havent already, they will want to play outside in the yard. If youre building a house from scratch and have total control over the property, you should aim to have a yard that you can see in totality from one viewpoint. L-shaped yards lend themselves to natural moments of no supervision when kids are running around, and children need to be monitored closely up to a certain age.

Write it in pen: Build a house with a large visible yard. You will be rewarded with the peace of mind when your little ones are running around for years and years of their childhood.

4. Main floor master bedroom.

Placing the master bedroom on the main floor of your building plans is a good idea, particularly if you plan on living in the property well into your senior years. Stairs can be an elderly persons worst nightmare and it just makes navigation around the house much easier as aging occurs if the layout accounts for this.

Write it in pen: Even if you move out of the house that you build, the new homebuyers will most likely see the same appeal in the master bedroom being placed on the main floor.

5. Security.

Its important to make sure that your house is secure. Whether or not you want to put in an extensive alarm system is up to you, but certain measures should be taken regardless of the situation. Double pane windows are a must on the main floor. They have a better chance of preventing break in and naturally have better insulation capabilities. Additionally, it can be a good idea to put bars over the windows on the second story if you have children. With how curious the little rascals are, you dont want them to have even the slightest potential of falling out the window.

Write it in pen: Whether its motion lights or any other security measure, its important to make sure that the house youre building will keep your family safe. Nothing is more important.

Building a house is a special privilege that many people get to undertake. Its something that should be celebrated but also carried out with a high level of organization. You and your family will be rewarded well into the future if you plan ahead.

Author bio:

Naomi Broderick is a professional writer whos secure in her abilities and even more confident in her parenting. When shes not juggling her three children in the front yard she writes for, a leader inhome security.

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